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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stick It (DVD) newly tagged "blu-ray"

Stick It (DVD) newly tagged "blu-ray"
Most Helpful Customer Reviews

19 of 20 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars Great Movies Don't Discriminate, March 17, 2007 I'm surprised by some of the negative reviews of this movie. I rented this last night to watch with my mom and we both really enjoyed it. Neither one of us are gymnasts (or under 13 for that matter) or even cared that much for bring it on, but Stick It was extremely likeable nonetheless.

Overall, my favorite thing about the movie is in the witty commentary and the humor that the movie sticks in very appropriately. I think Hayley was just hilarious, whether she was talking or thinking. She has a rather darkly sarcastic humor, but its very tasteful and witty. The not-so-smart Johann, complimenting the role of the bitchy teammate originally, gives a lot of comedic relief as well [Mina - "She got her GED when she was 15"

Johann - "What does drunk driving have to do with any of this?"]. Mina and Wei-Wei are somewhat minor characters but I can't help but find them a little bit entertaining even by their casual expressions, the actresses did an excellent job making them seem minor but still multi-dimensional enough to be amusing and loveable.

It was also a pleasant surprise that nearly all of the girls in this film are actually showed as being very strong and athletic. One reviewer said that the practice sessions were hard to watch, but I thought the opposite. If they skipped the practice sessions a huge part of the movie would have been taken away and detracted from its ultimate message. I enjoyed the practice sessions, it's not every day that you see teen girls embracing their strength and the girls were so much more attractive than the food deprived models that seem to run the media otherwise. I mentioned before, and I'll say it again that I do not do gymnastics and I don't think I ever will. However, I definitely found this movie inspiring, and I have a lot of respect for these athletes in the shape they must achieve to compete.

And as for what age group would enjoy this ... I definitely think it appeals to a wide spectrum. My mom and I were originally watching this but both my older brother and my younger brother were intrigued before the end and came to watch as well. I'm 16, my brothers are 13 and 18, and my mom is... well, yeah mommy age. But it doesn't take a certain gender or age to enjoy this movie.

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15 of 20 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars "Put down the phone!", May 2, 2006 Ok, so as some have already pointed out, this is not 'Bring it On', and I will admitt that walking into the film my wife and I were excited for the potential this film had to be the next 'Bring it On'...but seriously, who needs another 'Bring it On'? So, with that said, this movie is still in the same vein as it's predecesor, but has enough of a difference to stand out on it's own. The story here revolves around Haley Graham, played by newcomer Missy Peregrym, as she's forced to join VGA after one too many run-in's with the law. Haley has crumby parents who are now divorced and don't support her in anything she does, nor do they show any care or concern about her well being. Actually it's seems as if they just want her out of their hair. Haley's worst fear is returning to the world of gymnastic's for after she walked out of the World Championships leaving her team mates in the dust she's become regionally hated by her peers, and now she has to train with them. Worse yet is her new coach, Burt Vickerman (Bridges) who's harder on her than she'd like, but as she soon realizes, he's battling the same ground she is for he's in love with a sport that doesn't love him back. In the world of gymnastic's Vickerman is what you'd call 'washed up', and has-been if you will and so he must resort to lying to potential clients in order to get girls to train. The film itself may be a bit of a cliche but it has enough wit and humor to make the film worth your attention, and like 'Bring it On' I see this film making stars out of it's stars. Maybe 'Stick It' will do for Missy Peregrym what 'Bring it On' did for Kirsten Dunst...The film does try to convey a heartfelt morale of a message, and it works to a degree, but the best reason to see this film is for the quick wit and humor. 'Bring it On' it may not be but 'Stick It' still works like a charm. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? 

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful 3.0 out of 5 stars Stick It! No, You Stick It! Oh, It's Been Stuck!--A Routine Teen Crowd Pleaser Set In The World Of Competitive Gymnastics, March 7, 2007 As I sat down to watch "Stick It," I had a pretty good idea that we were going to cover some fairly conventional territory. And I was right, to a degree. Rebellious teen....check. Underdog sports story....check. Finding acceptance....check. When just about every film made about the world of sports falls into a familiar pattern, the genre itself has become something of a cliche'. That's not to say all sports films are bad, but few hold any real surprise. "Stick It," for all its limitations, does at least attempt something different. For in its climactic moments, the film is not only glorifying teamwork, friendship, and individual responsibility (as you would expect)--it is also serving as a critique of the oft maligned scoring system practiced in the field of gymnastics. Yes, this slight tale starts to take on elements of rebellion and unity as a "Norma Rae" for the teen set.

One of the primary issues with "Stick It," however, might be a misleading advertising campaign. Capitalizing on having the screenwriter of "Bring It On," "Stick It" (even the title begs a comparison) is setup as the same type of movie. And it's not. "Bring It On" is a robust comedy with elements of sporting, "Stick It" is a sporting coming-of-age story with elements of comedy. So many might be approaching this film with the wrong expectations. And those settling in for a night of laughs will surely be disappointed. But, I do believe this film does have an audience--obviously those with an interest in gymnastics, teens to young adults, and I'd guess primarily female.

The film stars Missy Peregrym as a troubled girl (and ex-athlete) who runs afoul of the law. Her father arranges for her to attend a controversial gymnastics academy run by a washed-up coach, Jeff Bridges. At first, an outcast--she soon learns many valuable lessons, as do we all. You can guess this by-the-numbers story without me discussing it any further. Let's just say, we end up at a championship competition and that's where the unexpected protest of the status quo is staged.

Look, I didn't love "Stick It"--but some might. The actors are generally appealing, but clearly this isn't ambitious or serious-minded filmmaking. The soundtrack is appropriate, the gymnastics can be impressive, and I did enjoy the camera work that turned many of the practice sessions into Busby Berkeley style extravaganzas. Certainly not for everyone, but if the idea of "Stick It" appeals to you--I'm guessing you'll probably like it. If it doesn't sound like you're kind of movie, there probably isn't enough that's unique or compelling within the film to change your mind. Recommended slightly for the right audience. KGHarris, 03/07.

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