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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Andromeda - Season 5 Collection (DVD) newly tagged "blu-ray"

Andromeda - Season 5 Collection (DVD) newly tagged "blu-ray"
Most Helpful Customer Reviews

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful 1.0 out of 5 stars Way Past the Event Horizon, May 11, 2007 This review is from: Andromeda - Season 5 Collection (DVD) Talent really fell into the black hole with this one. Andromeda was never an intellectual show, but it was entertaining and humorous, which made it enjoyable nonetheless. I personally didn't care for the ending of season 4; Dylan Hunt's rise to near-godhood was so self-indulgent.

Season 5 was just horrible. The writing and directing were mindless. The same pointless, poorly-choreographed fighting that plagued Hercules was too abundant throughout the season. Every episode seemed to have a drunk picking a fight with one of the crew for no reason, just so Dylan or Becka or whoever could prove their fortitude. It was painful to watch the story go absolutely nowhere every episode - in the same terrible sets. The plots were just so circuitous with no payoff.

Astronomical bodies being represented by avatars? Becka the matriarch of the Nietzschean race via a time-traveling Drago? A black hole in love with Dylan? Too many lame ideas and twists being pulled out of too many you-know-whats. Everybody knew the show was coming to an end and stopped trying.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful 2.0 out of 5 stars A fairly bland ending to an overall disappointing series, June 18, 2009 This review is from: Andromeda - Season 5 Collection (DVD) While I was not a fan of the first four seasons of ANDROMEDA, my reaction to Season Five was quite mixed. One of my main complaints about Seasons One through Four was that except for Trance, there was little or no character development, and that the overall narrative tended to be more episodic than serial. Season Five both featured more character development and had far more of a serial composition, but disappointingly the series didn't get much better. In fact, in many ways it was less enjoyable than previous seasons. Why? Partly because the changes to the show in Season Five were simply undesirable. After the apparent rescue of their corner of the galaxy by Trance's destroying the mother shihp, the crew of Andromeda found themselves in a dingy, harsh, and unpleasant solar system. To make matters worse, most of the crew members were angry with Dylan Hunt and Trance for getting them in this fix. Nevermind that their anger was not believable (destruction of the mother ship?). It was all just unpleasant and, to quote Iggy Pop, no fun.

Another problem was the pregnancy of Lexa Doig. Since she played three characters on the show, her inability to play much of a role changed the chemistry on the show. The timing of her pregnancy was such that it relegated her to her "A.I." character for nearly the whole season. She then came back to the show probably a bit too soon after giving birth. Her place was somewhat filled by the inclusion of former Penthouse model Brandy Ledford (though to be fair, she is a much better actress than you would expect given that pedigree) as a new android, Doyle. And watching the interplay between Doyle and Romy when Lexa Doig made a late season reappearance makes you wish that they could have been together longer than they were. Their android competition was a lot of fun.

But in the end, the season was simply insufficiently entertaining. About the only thing that made it watching was the ongoing saga involving Trance. She was far and away the most interesting character on the show and the only one who was developed nicely over the course of the five years of the show. But nothing could overcome the countless problems in the series. In the 21st century I wonder how many people really want a male lead character over whom women instantly swoon. I have no patience for a show that has two people look at each other and almost immediately start making out. In what way is that appealing? The plots of the individual episodes remain for the most part on the pretty simplistic level of the first four seasons.

Still, even though ANDROMEDA is not a very good show and despite its being flawed on a host of levels, I was weirdly sad to see it come to an end. One of the strengths of TV is that you get to know a group of characters. You end up spending many hours with them and you get pleasure out of spending time with them (I suspect that this is one of the things that lies behind the success of such otherwise incredibly bland shows making up the CSI and LAW AND ORDER franchises). So, even though I have very little to say about ANDROMEDA in any of its five seasons, I was sad to have to say goodbye to Trance and Dylan and Andromeda (in all her forms) and Beka and even Harper. Go figure.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful 3.0 out of 5 stars Better than generally thought., November 24, 2006 This review is from: Andromeda - Season 5 Collection (DVD) Like many, I initially did not care much for Season 5. However, I would give it 3.5 stars now. While there are some plot holes and inconsistancies with the past, it is actually very clever. Perhaps too clever in that you only pick it up fully seeing it over again. I just finished watching the Season 5 DVD's and throughly enjoyed them. The entire season builds toward the ending, which while not excellent is still satisfying. Actually, my only complaint about the ending is that there was not a little more post victory stuff. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? 
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